A programme for schoolchildren of all ages and abilities, the Learning about Forests programme aims to be accessible to all, irrespective of their physical, mental or emotional state.

The LEAF programme seeks to share the experience of nature with all participants equally. To help ensure this, the programme is constantly looking to improve access for anyone with activity limitations of any kind.

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One recent example of this is the ERASMUS+ co-funded project “Green Learning Environments – Taking advantage of the Stimulating Green Environment for Non-Formal Learning with Children with Cognitive Disabilities and Learning Disorders” (see here for more information on this great initiative).

Over the course of this project six specialist schools and four organisations working within the environmental education sector (including LEAF member BOS+ from Belgium) used their combined expertise to develop a toolbox with activities that “facilitate non-formal learning education for children with special educational needs”.

An activity pack with 18 activities can be downloaded here. There is also an appendix with useful pictographs, pictures and examples for more inspiration which can be found here.